Guide for Authors

The Evaluation Process of the Article in the Scientific Journals of Imam Sadiq University

The Scientific Journals Of Imam Sadiq University Work With The Mission Of Selecting & Publishing The Most Qualified Research In The Field. In Order To Achieve This Goal, The Process Of Reviewing & Publishing Articles Must Be Meticulously & Impartially. Setting & Defining The Evaluation Process Is Designed To Achieve The Goal Of Building Trust In The Review & Dissemination Process.
The Author(S) Are Requested, While Carefully Studying, To Submit Any Questions To The Journal's Editor Via The Contact Us Link On The Journal's Dedicated Journal System Or Email Address.

1. Recommendations before Submitting an Article

  1. A Review of the Aims & Scope of the Journal & Its Suitability with the Article.
  2. Follow The Guidelines & Style Of Writing & Submitting University Articles. That Will Come Next.
  3. Observance of Imam Sadiq University Press Ethical Charter.
  4. Pay Attention to the Indicators Evaluating the Paper & Answering the Editor / Referee's Questions & Comments in Detail. That Will Come Next.
  5. Reviewing the Journal Acceptance Process.

2. The Paper Evaluation Process

  1. Sign Up For the Journal & Submit The Article; By The Author In Charge Of The Article.
  2. External Review Of Article Specifications & Submitted Files;
  3. Submit An Article On Similarity Tracking Systems Like Samenour 2 By The Internal Administrator.
  4. Check The Result Of Similarity;
  5. Initial Review of Article 4 In The Areas Of "Authenticity", "Subjective Communication With Journal Activity" & "Technical Quality" By The Editor.
  6. Review Article 2 by Referee(S). Often, Each Article Is Reviewed For 2 To 4, With Reviewers Evaluating The Paper Based On Three Areas of "Authenticity," "Technical Quality," & "Presentation."
  7. Appointment of An Arbitrator By The Editor In Collaboration With The Editorial Board.
  8. Submission of Article To Referee(S);
  9. Follow-Up of Articles Review By The Internal Director In Collaboration With The Editor's Supervision.
  10. Rejection or Acceptance Of The Article By The Editor In Collaboration With The Editorial Board.
  11. Announcing Rejection, Correction & Acceptance To The Author By The Internal Director In Collaboration With The Editor's Supervision.

3. Article Evaluation Indices

  1. Balanced Distribution & Processing Of Content & Its Categorization;
  2. Logical Relevance Abstract, Introduction, Text, Conclusion & Conclusion;
  3. Acceptance & Coherence Of Content & Avoidance Of Marginal Issues;
  4. Reasonable & Scientific Expression Of Content;
  5. Innovation, Presenting A New Look At The Subject & Presenting New Findings;
  6. Methodology Of Research "In Accordance With Valid Scientific Research Methods";
  7. Optimum Utilization Of The Original & New Sources & Their Extent;
  8. Observe The Principles Of Scientific Editing & The Proper Use Of Terms.

- Articles With Each Of The Indicators Are Evaluated At Three Levels Of Good, Average, & Poor.

4. Results Of The Paper Evaluation Process

  1. Rejection.
  2. Conditional Acceptance After Minor Correction; In This Case, After Correction, The Editor Will Be Checked & Finalized.
  3. Conditional Acceptance After General Correction; In This Case, After Correction, The Article Will Be Sent To The Previous Arbitrator.
  4. Final Acceptance: After The Final Review Of The Article By The Reviewer, Initial Acceptance By The Editor & Final Acceptance Will Be Made At The Editorial Board Meeting.

5. Reasons For Rejecting The Article

  1. "Rejecting The Article Because Of Similar Research & Research Violations"; Failure To Pay Attention To Intellectual & Intellectual Property Rights Causes Researchers To Reject The Article.
  2. "Rejection Of The Article Due To Non-Compliance With The Terms & Conditions Of The Journal"; Submission Of The Article Without Regard To Guidelines & Style Of Writing & Submission Of The Article Will Result In The Rejection Of The Article.
  3. "Reject Article Because Of Inconsistency With The Content Of The Journal"; Posting Off-Topic-Specialized Articles - The Journal Will Reject The Article.
  4. "Rejection Based On Editor / Referee's Opinion"; Failure To Score On Evaluation Indices Causes Rejection Of The Article.

- Solutions To Resubmit The Article
If The Author Objects To The Reasons For Rejecting The Article, Please Submit Your Request To The Editor Via The Contact Us Link On The Journal's Proprietary System Or Email Address:

  1. Request Review / Review By Editor / Reviewer.
  2. Referee Qualification Request
  3. Request A Review Of The Conflict Of Interest From The Arbitrator.


Guide to Writing & Submitting Articles in the Scientific Journals of Imam Sadiq University

- Requests The Respected Author(S) To Expedite The Review & Timely Publication Of The Article.

1. Article Content
- The Content Of The Article Is Relevant To The Subject Area Of The Journal.
- The Article Is Based On Scientific, Creative & Innovative Research & Contributes To The Advancement Of Science In Its Own Field.

2. Article Structure
- Observe The Uniformity Of The Article Structure (Insert Article Title In Original & English Language*, Abstract Insert (Maximum 300 Words) & Keywords (4 To 7 Words) (Original & English Language*), Introduction, Background Review, Materials & Methods, Research Findings (Not Necessary In Review Articles, Research Methods & Findings), Discussion & Conclusion, Appropriate & Uniform Pattern In Charts, Tables, Illustrations & Bibliography (References).

2-1. Introduction
- Introductory Content Includes Introductory Explanations, Problem Statement, Main Purpose, Questions Or Hypotheses, & Background Review. In Fact, All Of These Things Come Together As Patchwork Pieces So That The Reader Will Have An Overview Of All The Information Used In The Article Upon Completion.

2-2. Browse Backgrounds
- If There Is A Need To Review & Present The Records In A Separate Section, Also The Background Checks In The Introduction May Not Be Considered Appropriate Because Of The Summary, Then The Background Can Be Reviewed Independently After The Introduction. In This Section, The Introductory Section On The Subject Of Research Is Presented, & The Research Backgrounds Are Reviewed In Chronological Order. Then A Logical Inference Is Made From Reviewing The Records, & The Existing Research Vacuum (S) Are Shown. Obviously The Best Method Of Reviewing Is Analytical Or Analytical-Critical In Which Backgrounds Are Grouped Regardless Of Time & Place, Based On The Similarities Of Approach, & The Researcher's Viewpoint Is Expressed.

2-3. Materials & Methods
- This Section Includes The Research Design, Method Or Approach (With A Detailed Description Of The General Method & Specific Method Of Conducting The Research), The Research Community, The Data Collection Tools, & The Data Analysis Method. First, The Researcher Must Explain The Research Method & The Research Design So That The Reader Can Get A Clear Picture Of What Has Been Done During The Research. It Is Therefore Necessary To Provide A Clear Explanation Of The Process, Such As How To Apply The Independent Variable, The Definition Of Variables, The Sampling Method, The Assignment Of Individuals To The Experimental & Control Groups, How To Record The Response Of The Samples To The Independent Variable, How To Record & Measure The Dependent Variable, & So On. . The Researcher Needs To Identify The Target Community So That The Researcher Knows Who The Researcher Is. Then Identify The Subjects Or Participants In The Study Who Actually Determined The Sample. However, In Case Papers, The Sample Selection Method & Subject Type Are Different From Those Of Other Studies.
        The Next Step Is For The Researcher To Determine The Research Tool (Data Collection). In This Section It Is Important To Note That If The Instrument Used In The Scientific Community Is Known To The Target Audience, There Is No Need For An Accurate & Complete Explanation, & Only Mention Of The Test Or Research Tool With A Brief Explanation Of Its Reliability & Validity. The Tool Suffices. But If The Research Tool Is Designed By The Researcher Himself, A Complete Explanation Of How To Evaluate The Reliability & Validity Of The Tool Is Needed. The Method Of Data Analysis Should Then Be Described, & The Statistical Steps Followed.

2-4. Discussion & Conclusion
- The Main Value Of The Research Lies In This Section. Because The Research Findings Are Determined, & The Researcher's Final Underst&ing & Underst&ing Of The Research Is Expressed. Overall, This Section Provides A Detailed Interpretation Of The Data & The Researcher's View Of The Findings, Compares The Research Findings With Previous Research Findings, & Demonstrates The Status Of Research Among Similar Research, Briefly Outlining The Limitations Faced By The Research, & Presenting The Research Proposal (S) Deduced From The Research Findings.

2-5. Library
- "Proper, Consistent & St&ard Writing In All Articles (In-Text, Out-Of-Text & In The List Of Sources), Use Of Up-To-Date Sources, References & References In Both The Original & English Languages ​​Is Essential." Also Use The Apa International Citation Procedures.
- All Sources & References Used, Including Books, Journal Articles, Conferences, Sites, Theses, Etc. In The Library Section Based On The Persian & Arabic Alphabet Together In One Section, & Latin References In English, German, French, & More. Comes In Alphabetical Order.
- The Specifications Of Any References Cited Within The Text Should Be Included In The Bibliography.
- Return All References & References In The Bibliography To English & Submit At The End Of The Abstract. If There Is An Old Source That Does Not Have An English Name, It Should Be Written In Pinglish.

3. Name Of Author(S) & Organizational Affiliation
The Name Of The Author (S) Should Be Inserted After The Title Of The Article With The Following Conditions:
- Arrange The Authors Name Of The Agreement Between The Creator (S) Of The Article, Which Should Be Arranged With The Superscript Star Bullet, & Subsequently The Organizational Affiliation In The Footnotes. Is The Author (S). Inserting University Email Is M&atory For Professors, Alumni, & Students At Imam Sadiq University, & It Is Recommended That Others Use Their Workplace Email.
- Each Article Has A Responsible Author To Indicate In The Footnote After Specifying (Before Email) The "Responsible Author" Inside Prantz.
- Avoid Writing Articles Such As Doctor, Professor, Engineer, Hojat Al-Islam & The Like.

4. Thank
- The Author(s) May Indicate a Degree of Gratitude to the Sponsor or Sponsor of the Research (if any) Prior to the Notes as "Thank You".

5. Notes
- Extra Descriptions, English Equivalents Of Nouns Or Expressions In The "Notes" Section Using The Insert Endnote Option In References From Word Software & Numerically Numbered.

6. Guide To Adjust The Size & Font Of Articles
- Customize The Article In Word Software With The Following Size & Font:


Size & Font



B Zar 12 Bold


Time New Roman 11 Bold

Author Name(s)


B Zar 11 Bold


Time New Roman 11 Bold



B Lotuls 10 Regular


Time New Roman 9 Regular



B Zar 11 Bold


Time New Roman 10.5 Bold

Abstract & Keywords


B Lotuls 11 Regular


Time New Roman 10.5 Regular

Original Text of the article


B Lotuls 13 Regular


Time New Roman 11 Regular

Chart Title & Chart (Figure)


B Zar 10.5 Bold


Time New Roman 10 Bold

Table Text & Chart (Figure)


B Lotuls 11 Regular


Time New Roman 10.5 Regular

Table & Chart Source (Figure)


B Zar 10.5 Regular


Time New Roman 10 Regular



B Lotuls 13 Regular


Cambria Math 11 Regular



B Lotuls 12 Regular


Time New Roman 10.5 Regular



B Lotuls 12 Regular


Time New Roman 10.5 Regular

- Adjust The Size Of The Arabic Vocabulary As In Persian, Using The B Badr Font.
- The Line Spacing Should Be 0.9 In The Whole Article.
- If Using Formula (Relation), Extract All Items From Equation By Mentioning The Relation & Its Successive Number.
- The Article Size Should Be Between 3000 & 9000 Words (Between 15 & 30 Pages).
- Use The Spacing Option In The Paragraph To Insert Headers With 5 Rows (Spacing) In The Previous Intervals.
- In Paragraphs - Other Than Paragraph 1 - Indent 0.5 By Using Indentation Option In Paragraph.
- List The Table Heading With The Sequential Numbering Method At The Top Of The Table & Its Source At The Bottom.
- Chart Title With The Sequential Numbering Method Associated With The Source At The Bottom Of The Chart.
- The Text Of The First Line Of The Bold Tables Should Be Colored In Gray Using The Shading Option In Paragraph.
- If The Table Is Long & The Rows Are Moved To The Next Page, Repeat The Text Of The First Row Of The Tables Using The Data Option In LAYOUT.
- Main & Sub-Titles (Other Than Abstract, Introduction, Summary & Conclusion, Thank You, & Bibliography) Be Adjusted From Right To Left In Sequential Numbering.

7. How To Post
- It Is Necessary For The Author(S) To Submit The Article File In The Dedicated Journal System For Publication Of The Article, & During This Period To Be Aware Of The Status Of The Article Submitted Through The System.

8. Uploaded Files
- Abstract English Accompanying Article File In Word Software Without Author Specification. Click Here To Get The Template.
- Always An Abstract Article File In Word Software With Author Specifications. Click Here To Get The Template.
- Similar Article File In Samimnoor System.
- Completed File (Insert Information & Signature) Ethical Commitment Worksheet. Click Here To Download The Raw Ethical Commitment Worksheet.

9. Code Of Prevention Of Research Offenses
A) Submission Of The Article To The Journal's Proprietary System Will Be Notified By E-Mail To All Authors Of The Article; Obviously The Name Of The Author(S) In The Article Constitutes Their Essential Role In The Development Of The Article, While The Author(S) Of The Article They Have No Role & Their Names Have Been Misused, Please Notify Us Immediately By Email. It Is Worth Noting That All Authors Of The Article Are Responsible For The Authenticity Of The Work & Must Complete The Ethical Commitment Worksheet As An Acceptance Of Responsibility. The Journal Reserves The Right To Evaluate Cases Of Academic Theft. Scientific Theft Takes Many Forms, Including:
- Submit Another Article In Your Own Name.
- Insert The Names Of The Author(S) & Researcher(S) Who Did Not Play A Role In The Article.
- Copy Or Duplicate Significant Portions Of Another Article (Even If The Copied Article Belongs To One Of The Authors Of The New Article).
- Outline The Results Of The Research Of Others In Their Own Name.
- Repeated Publication Of The Article By The Author In Several Publications.
- Misrepresentation Of Scientific Findings Or Distortion Of Research Results.
- Use Of Invalid Data Or Manipulation Of Research Data.
B) The Cases Of Scientific Theft Are Investigated By The Authorities Of The Journal & For The Protection Of The Credibility & Efforts Of The Other Researchers, Without Any Tolerance & Ignorance Regarding The Amount Of The Scientific Theft, The Following Is The Legal Approach:
- The Article Will Be Retracted & Will Be Removed From The Journal's Proprietary System If Printed.
- The Names Of All The Authors Of The Article Will Be Included In The Imam Sadiq University Press Bulletin.
- The Official Letter Will Be Shared With Other Universities & Related Domestic & Foreign Journals.
- In An Official Letter To The Appropriate Authorities, Including The Ministry Of Science, Research & Technology, The Islamic World Science Citation Database, Universities, Scientific Centers, Scientific Journals & Any Place Where Authors Have Used The Privilege Of Publishing This Article, , Will Be Notified.

- The Article Has Not Been Previously Submitted Or Published For Any Of The Domestic Or Foreign Journals.
- The Publications Office Compares The Obtained Articles To Prevent Research Violations On The Samimnoor System.
- All Material & Intellectual Property Rights Are Reserved For The Journal, & Those Authors Who Wish To Publish An Article In A Series Of Articles, Or As Part Of A Book, Must Obtain The Written Consent Of The Journal.
- The Journal Of “Religion & Communication” Is Free To Modify & Edit The Article.