Document Type : Scientific-Research Article
1 Ph.D. Student of Islamic Studies, Culture and Communication, ISU.
2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Culture and Communication. ISU
Various lists of news values in communication have been offered since 1960. This article, next to a comparative and analytical explanation of those lists in the recent five decades, presents the authors, own selected list which embodies all the previous ones. Then it is shown that the news values issue in both the practical domain of communication i.e the media, and its scientific domain, are based on the uses and gratification theory when it comes to a knowledge of the audience. The philosophical foundations of gratification theory which is in flounced by humanistic and capitalistic views are also explained. There is a final emphasis on the need of adopting a critical and cautious view when selecting practical communication models such as news values in our Islamic society due to the predominance of modernist world views.