Methodology and Ideology Analysis in Communicative Texts

Document Type : Scientific-Research Article



This article, being a methodological text in the field of ideology analysis in the press, deals with the representation of ideology in communicative texts so that it brings to light the relation between structural elements of ideology therein. One of the questions is how communicative texts are affected by the existing ideological structure of the society. The second is whether there is any relationship between the language used in communicative texts and the ideological structure or social organization. Taking the contemporary Iran as a case in point, we realize that its press are under the influence of the political, cultural and economic contexts to the extent that the interaction between communicative context and texts have caused the continuation of the ideology- based press system. Our theoretical claim is that the press of every society shape their identity under the impact of the existing ideologies. That is why the article first offers a theoretical model for the study of the ideological structure. Then the role of the latter's components in the continuation of ideological relations in the press are discussed. Since there has been no practical method for the ideological analysis in communicative studies, we have presented a model for that. This model could be used further as a basis for later communicative studies when discussing the relation between communicative texts and the reproduction of ideological relations. To this end, first there is a reference to the concept of ideology as considered by Thomson, Goldman and Manheim, and then a new method is introduced which can be used as a suitable framework for the study of ideology structure in communicative texts especially the press
