A Study of the Relation between the Rate of Media Use (Internet, Satellite TV, Mobile Phone) and Female Students’ Tendency in Buali Sina University

Document Type : Scientific-Research Article



The main purpose of this study is to determine the relation between the rate of media use and female students’ tendency to Hijab in Buali Sina University in 2012-2013 academic year. A sample of 354 people was selected from the statistical population of size 4436, with stratified-random sampling method. The method of this study was descriptive and of correlation type. In order to evaluate the rate of media use and tendency to Hijab, structured questionnaires were used. The validity of questionnaire was assured by content-related validity method; and the reliability was tested and assured by Cronbach's alpha, for which we got 0.93 for trend to Hijab questionnaire, and 0.85 for mediums questionnaire. For data analysis, we took advantage of descriptive statistics methods (including percentage, abundance and average,) and inferential statistics (including Pearson Correlation and compound regression).
The obtained results from data analysis showed that the rate of students’ tendency toward Hijab could be predicted in accordance with that of using Internet, mobile phones and satellite TVs and there is a negative and meaningful relation between these three and tendency toward Hijab. That is to say, the higher the rate of using each of these media, the less tendency exists toward Hijab.
