Examining the Causes of not Paying Enough Attention to Religious Beliefs andValues among the High School Students in Kermanshah

Document Type : Scientific-Research Article


1 Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, University of Islam Abad e Gharb

2 Assistant Professor of Sociology Department of Razi University, Kermanshah


The main goal of this study is to examine the causes of not paying enough attention to the beliefs and religious values among the high school students in Kermanshah. This is a descriptive survey carried out by structured questionnaires. The statistical society includes all of high school students in Kermanshah in 90-91 whose total number has been 181796 in the years of 90-91. By using Morgan’s sampling table and after making sure of the total number, an example size of 384 members was reached. To assess the reliability of measurement, face validity and alpha coefficients were utilized and to test the hypotheses, Pearson correlation coefficient and analysis of variance were employed. Multiple regressions were used to assess the research model. The results of the study showed that gender, education, mother’s education, the job situation, their habitation, the relative deprivation, the secular degree, the religious laxity, the friend’s impression, religious socialization and religious understanding influence the religiosity degree. But the birthplace, age, and using mass media has no influence on it. The model of religious regression and analysis show that it has progressed six steps. The comprised variables of religious socialization, religious laxity, secularity, relative deprivation, birthplace, multiple, cohesive (R) show the dependent variable of 0/56.


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