Document Type : Scientific-Research Article
1 Ph.D. student of Management of Research Institute of Hawzah and University
2 Assistant professor of Management of Research Institute of Hawzah and University
3 Professor of Faculty of Management in Allameh Tabataba'i University
The place of religion and how it affects the cultural policy-making
process is one of the topics in the field of cultural policy. Various
theories have been proposed in this regard at a minimum to a
maximum range of views. Cultural policy in an Islamic society,
however, follows a specific pattern. What distinguishes this pattern
from similar ones is the prominent role of religion in forming the
culture of a society; this role is beyond only setting forbidden lines
and codes in formulating cultural policy.
This article introduces three elements of cultural policy based on a
descriptive analytical method and by referring to Quranic verses and
traditions especially the life of Prophet Mohammad. These include:
solving cultural complications of the society, preventing the rise of
these complications and developing society toward perfection. This
article emphasizes the smartness of the Islamic system and focuses on
the elimination of these complicated issues rather than solving them.
The first step in cultural policy-making, therefore, is to identify
progressing factors in a religious society (regardless of whether or not
there is any problem in society) and to implement them. Preventing
the causes of the problems (which is embodied in religious teachings)
is the next step and effort to fix the problem directly is the last step.
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