The Social Status of the Elderly in the Family with an Emphasis on TV Role: Survey of Tehrani Senior Citizens

Document Type : Scientific-Research Article


1 Ph.D. student in sociology at Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran

2 Professor in sociology at Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran


The present study is a qualitative survey of the role of TV in transforming
senior citizens' social status in the city of Tehran. Interviews were carried
out with the statistical population of the research, i.e. senior citizens, each
taking more than an hour, the most important results of which have
appeared in this article. The basic research question was: What status do
Tehrani senior citizens consider for themselves among their families?
What role do they think TV plays in this regard? The result obtained
from these in-depth interviews with those who were selected with
targeted sampling method revealed that as regards their social, economic,
and physical status, there have been traces of disappointments with their
families; and concerning the cause of this situation, they pointed out the
attenuation of religious and cultural values. Few seniors assumed a
pivotal status in their families and more of them believed that they were
missing the kind of respect they deserved and were mostly treated as
marginal. Moreover, the seniors whose surrounding family members
were too much busy with watching satellite programs thought to be
neglected by their children. TV itself has shown a weak performance in
producing programs for elevating senior citizens' status. Sending seniors
to nursing homes is also the result of children's ingratitude and their
economic problems. In their responses, the seniors also referred to the
necessity of respecting their dignity, providing media programs for their
training and education, supporting them financially, and providing
amusement and health facilities for them.


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