An Analysis of the Grounds and Causes of Stability or Collapse of Cultures in Transcendental Theosophy

Document Type : Scientific-Research Article


Scientific Council of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution


The issue of the emergence or collapse of phenomena such as civilization, culture and even society is of interest for the scholars of social sciences. Referring to the possibility of creation or collapse of social phenomena, some of the theories that seek to explain the processes of social change divide it into two creation and collapse demarcations. The theory of "Life Cycle" which is based on the above-mentioned framework explains the changes in phenomena. The actual existence of society and culture is verifiable by relying on Islamic philosophy. Therefore, creation and collapse of cultures and communities is confirmed both by philosophical logic and the references in the Quran. Because of this confirmation and relying on philosophical explanations and Quranic teachings, the factors and components effective in creation or collapse of societies and cultures can be identified. These factors and components can be classified from different aspects. One of the major classifications in this regard is dividing the factors effective in the survival and annihilation of cultures and societies into two categories: “components related to semantic systems (the intrinsic and noumenal properties of cultures)" and "components related to the people of one culture”. Under these two general branches, other various items can be categorized. The philosophical-theoretical framework for explaining the above-mentioned issues requires using the analogicaldemonstrative method.

  1. قرآن کریم
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  25. مطهری، مرتضی، (1374)، امدادهای غیبی در زندگی بشر، چ4 قم: صدرا.
  26. -----------------، (1374)، فطرت، چ4، قم: صدرا.
  27. -----------------، (1374)، نبرد حق و باطل، چ4، قم: صدرا.
  28. -----------------، (1385)، انسان و سرنوشت، چ13، قم: صدرا.
  29. -----------------، (1387)، آشنایی با قرآن، چ1، قم: صدرا.
  30. -----------------، (1387)، شرح منظومه، چ12، قم: صدرا.
  31. -----------------، (1388)، فلسفة تاریخ، چ5، قم: صدرا.
  32. -----------------، (1388)، نقدی بر مارکسیسم، چ10، قم: صدرا.


  1. لبخندق، محسن (1390)، «دلالت‌های نظریة فطرت در نظریة فرهنگی»، فصلنامة معرفت فرهنگی- اجتماعی، شماره9.

منابع لاتین:

  1. Andrew, Van de Ven, & Scott, Poole, (1995), Explaining Development and Change in Organizations, The Academy of Management Review, 20)3(.