Social and Cultural Factors in Students' Tendency towards the Islamic Lifestyle in Shiraz

Document Type : Scientific-Research Article


1 Associate Professor of sociology in Yasouj University

2 associate professor of sociology in Shiraz university

3 M.A Student of sociology in Yasouj University


Lifestyle is a major contemporary issue in sociology and its correction is the challenge of most societies because "how to live" is as important as the living itself. Islam, in its turn, incorporates many norms and values about Muslims' way of life. Hence, the objective of this study was to explain and anticipate the social and cultural factors affecting the attitudes of the secondary school students towards the Islamic lifestyle in the public high schools in the city of Shiraz. The study has used the survey method. The statistical population was 50980 male and female students in their 1st to 4th year of studies at the public high schools in the city of Shiraz, of which a sample of 381 people were selected based on the Lin table, increased to 400 in order to improve the precision. A multistage random cluster sampling method was applied. The data was collected through questionnaires developed by the researcher utilizing Kaviani's normalized questionnaire (2012). To determine the validity and the reliability, we utilized the face and construct validities with the help of factor analysis for the former, and the internal consistency with the method of Cronbach's alpha for the latter. Six hypotheses were examined in this investigation. According to the findings, there is significant relationship between socio- economic status variables, internal and external media usage, parents' religious commitments, and priority in reference group on the one hand, and Islamic lifestyle on the other. But the availability of leisure facilities and respondents' gender differences haven't shown any meaningful relationship with adopting an Islamic lifestyle.


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