Prioritizing the Media Policy onClothing FashionBased on theProblems of its Cycle in Iranian Society

Document Type : Scientific-Research Article


1 University Professor

2 Ph.D Student of Culture and Communiction of Baqir al-Olum University


The fashion dress industry as one of the most popular and profitable industries in the contemporary world has a complex nature, and any related policy must inevitablymake a systematic study of its mechanism in society. Here, due to the significant role of the media in shaping the culture and lifestyle, the media policy for clothing fashionis taken into consideration based on analyzing its cycle problems as well as the background of related media policy in Iranian society. Studying this cycle with the help of an in-depth interview and documentary studyand data analysis(using thematic analysis method)resulted in identifying eight main problems including epistemological bewilderment in the field of Islamic Iranian fashion, absence of a political economy of Islamic Iranian clothing fashion and overlooked local clothing styles. These are all seriously connected with the general problem of the absence of Islamic Iranian brands in clothing fashion. Based on these problems eight media policy priorities and 38 pertinent policy recommendationswere determined. Among these priorities is "helping to solve epistemic and skill-related problems in the field of fashion", "helping to shape the political economy of fashion," and “helping Islamic Iranian clothing fashion to be more seen in everyday life of people.


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