Iranian Cultural Atlas; Central Component in Cultural Engineering and Peivastnegari (Cultural Impact Assessment)

Document Type : Scientific-Research Article


1 Ph.D Student of Communication of Allameh Tabatabayie University

2 Lecturer & Researcher of Cultural Geography


Providing Cultural Atlas is a way of analyzing the cultural phenomenon in the field of cultural policy-making. In developed countries such as France, USA, England and Russiathe cultural and anthropological databasesare continually used in cultural engineering of the countries and its results are presented in their Cultural Atlas.This of course requires a cultural reading in the framework of cultural indexes and specifications. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the effect of providing Cultural Atlas in policy-making and cultural engineering of the country. Therefore, the research question is to evaluate the effectiveness of components and conditions of national and regional culture in representing different dimensions of the culture and the role it plays in policy-making and cultural engineering cycle. The research also evaluates whether it is possible to achieve good results in presenting the model of cultural engineering in the country through providing the Iranian Cultural Atlas. It is, therefore, possible to get the cultural differences in the country’s cultural geography dimensionsas developed by Geert Hofstede. In this research, the dimensions and components of Iranian Cultural Atlas, which is supposed to be the basis for cultural impact assessment and evaluation of social impacts, are explained based on the documentation review, alongside the meta-analysis of national and international researches. 
Through explaining the essentials of statistics and studies such as Hofstede and Globe, this research indicates that consideration of these elements can change the domain of cultural impact assessment and evaluation of social impacts in Iran and also can open new dimensions in addition to providing a new definition of Cultural Atlas.


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