Religiosity of the Middle Class in Tehran With Emphasis on the Head of Households

Document Type : Scientific-Research Article


1 Ph.D Student od Economical & Development Sociology of Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran

2 Professor of Social Science at Allameh Tabataba'i University

3 Associate Professor of social science at Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran


The purpose of this article is to describe the degree of religiosity of breadwinners and heads of middle-class families in Tehran. To do this, we examined the phenomenon as a cultural asset of the middle-class based on Bourdieu's theoretical framework. In order to have a more accurate picture of middle-class religiosity, this social class was divided into three layers of low, medium, and high, based on the household cost and education indexes, then the degree of religiosity of each as a kind of cultural asset was investigated. This has also been measured in another form of grouping that considers belief, worshiping, ritual and consequential dimensions. The research was done by survey method and by questionnaire tool. For this reason a sample of 613 people from the heads of middle-class families in Tehran was selected using PS method.
The results of the survey showed that belief and consequential dimensions are in an inverse proportion to the socioeconomic level of individuals; as individuals above the upper middle class show less religiosity than the middle and lower layers. There is also an inverse relationship between the two variables of education and household costs and the belief and consequential dimensions. The theoretical framework of the research shows that the consequential aspect of religion as an expression of cultural asset can create a distinction in the middle class.


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