Norms Connected to Prophets in Three Holy Scriptures

Document Type : Scientific-Research Article


1 Professor of Islamic Education and Culture and Communication University of Imam Sadiq University

2 Associate Professor of Islamic Education and Culture and Communication University of Imam Sadiq University


The article starts with this notion that in the near future the development of communication hardware and instruments will push humanity to a new phase of bringing religions face to face with each other. Then it is emphasized that each of the three major Abrahamic religions will be given an opportunity to know about each other’s holy books without any mediators. Furthermore, this question is raised about the normative propositions of each of the prophets in the three scriptures, and the kind of existing similarities and differences. A conceptual definition of prophet and norm comes next and reasons have been offered to show that the notion of norm as described in the Holy Books is probably different from the one offered by sociology literature. Finally, to find answers to the questions, an eclectic research method for content analysis was adopted. Then with the help of a suitable software the normative propositions existing in The Old and New Testaments and the Quran were extracted and the research subject was categorized in 7 groups and the similarities and differences were explained as follows: 1- Dos and don’ts in our relation with the prophets in general 2- Dos and don’ts in our relation with Abraham 3- Dos and don’ts in our relation with Moses 4- Dos and don’ts in our relation with Jesus 5- Dos and don’ts in our relation with the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) 6- Dos and don’ts in our relation with other prophets 7- Dos and don’ts in our view of the prophets’ miracles. At the end, with the help of Phi coefficient, the converging seven themes have been extracted and the resulting models have been presented.


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