An Analysis of Arbaeen Pilgrims' Perception of Servitors' Behavior; An Anthropological Account of the Colossal Arbaeen March

Document Type : Scientific-Research Article


1 Student of Future Studies of Tehran University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran


The pilgrimage of Arbaeen, the 40th day of the martyrdom of Imam
Hussein (peace be upon him), which is exclusively reserved for and highly
recommended by him, has continually been organized from Ashura in 61
AH onward. In recent years, the pilgrimage of Arbaeen has become the
largest human congregation and a unique phenomenon in the world, so that
some scholars consider it a miracle of the time. Those engaged in Arbaeen
are highly diverse and demonstrate new behaviors and common norms
during this celebration.
This article gives an account of the behavior of the hosting Iraqi people
and servitors during Arbaeen from the point of view of those at place.
The research is qualitative and of an anthropological type. The data was
collected through collaborative observation and both individual and group
interviews conducted and classified by the researcher who has participated
in the event on numerous occasions.
Research findings include three themes or categories of tradition,
blessing and kindness, In other words, the pilgrims, the behavior of the
Iraqi people and their relentless service all along the path are ascribed to
tradition (the traditional roots of the people including their custom of
hospitality), blessing (the request for sustenance of blessings from Imams,
in particular Imam Hussein) and ultimately an expression of disinterested
love (devoting oneself to Imam (as) without any expectation of


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