Identifying the optimal model of educational leadership in education (Case study: school principals of the first elementary school in Tehran)

Document Type : Scientific-Research Article


1 Ph.D. Student of Education Management at Islamic Azad University

2 Assistant Professor of Educational Sciences at Islamic Azad University

3 Professor of Educational Sciences, Islamic Azad University- Islamshahr Branch


The aim of this study was to present the model of educational-oriented leadership in cultural organizations with emphasis on school principals in the first elementary school in Tehran. The research was an exploratory mixed method (qualitative and quantitative) that required the required data in the qualitative section (based on grounded theory) and quantitative (based on cross-sectional survey method). In the qualitative section, the statistical population included experts and specialists in the field of educational leadership who were selected by targeted sampling method and snowballs. Data were collected using a semi-structured interview. Then it was completed with the help of Delphi technique and brainstorming. The results of coding based on Grounded theory led to the identification of 248 indicators, 39 components and 5 dimensions including belief dimension, dimension of work and environment, dimension of leadership style, dimension of organizational and work ability of leader and dimension of personal, intellectual and emotional characteristics of leadership. The study population in a quantitative section included all school principals in the first elementary school in Tehran (415 people). The Cochran's formula was used to determine the sample size, and 199 individuals were identified and randomly selected from the sample class. Data analysis using the confirmatory factor analysis test showed that the findings of the quantitative section are exactly the same as the qualitative section. According to the obtained results, it can be said that the obtained pattern is more comprehensive than other patterns, and on the other hand, this pattern is only suitable for the characteristics and implications of the first elementary period. Therefore, applying and implementing this model can be of great help to effective educational leadership in the first elementary period school. 


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