Investigating the Dimensions and Subjective Parts of Collective Participation in Arbaeen Pilgrimage

Document Type : Scientific-Research Article


Ph. D. of Sociology and Researcher at Institute of Technology Studies


   Throughout Shia’s history, the rites of Ashura have been profoundly intermingled with the followers’ collective conscience. Arbaeen pilgrimage, for example, which has undergone remarkable developments in recent years, has become a special and multifaceted socio-cultural phenomenon that deserves reflection from various research angles and perspectives including its meaning and internal mechanisms. This article, therefore, aims to focus on the collective participation in Arbaeen march while dividing its scope into three layers: open, semi-hidden, and hidden to describe the unique and distinctive features of it, especially the subjective or mental world of participants. To achieve this goal, 17 interviews were conducted with Iranian servants and caretakers who have the highest level and scope of engagement with the phenomenon. The content of the interviews was analyzed by using a combination of thematic analysis and ideal typing techniques. Finally, after three coding steps, 13 sub-themes were extracted to explain the participants’ mental world, summarized and described under four main themes of states, images, schemas, and interpretations.


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