The Normative Model of Human Communication in the Thought of Ayatollah Javadi Amoli

Document Type : Scientific-Research Article


Assistant Professor of IRIB university


Reflection on creation implies a set of relations including those between material and immaterial as well as animate and inanimate beings as the basis and axis of the universe. Among these, human social relations are of special importance because human relations and social relations are the most difficult in terms of knowledge and practice. In the meantime, recognizing the views of social thinkers provides the grounds for reducing the epistemological and the practical human relations difficulties. In this article, in order to study and recognize Ayatollah Javadi Amoli’s view of human communication, the research method of combining his existing works has been used. In general, the relations of the believer are explained from Ayatollah Javadi Amoli’s perspective in three areas: "Islamic", "monotheistic" and "human". By relations in the Islamic field, he means communication with all Muslims in the world. In the realm of monotheism, it means communication with all monotheists (Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, and all those who accept God), and communication in the human realm is related to humanity, regardless of their religions. The relationship of the believer in each of these areas follows the four general principles and macro characteristics of "monotheism, justice, unity and good fellowship." According to Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, each domain includes its specific communication scope with their own characteristics, while some scopes are common in all of them. In the Islamic field, the realms of communication are: communication with the Prophet (Imam and his special and general deputy) with the characteristic of love and obedience (acceptance of guardianship), communication with parents with the characteristic of kindness and companionship, communication with spouse, children and relatives with the characteristic of friendliness and mercy, the relationship with orphans and the poor with the characteristic of benevolence and expediency, the relationship with neighbors and companions with the characteristic of benevolence and victory, the relationship with believers and Muslims with the characteristic of brotherhood. In the field of monotheism, the relationship with the People of the Book conducive to unity and peace has been Ayatollah’s special consideration. Ayatollah’s advice in the international arena is that Muslims should not allow the infidels’ guardianship and should shun their obedience despite living peacefully with them. Regarding the connection with the Taghut (illegitimate tyrants) abroad and the hypocrites inside the Islamic society, he has ordered Muslims' dissociation (bara'at) from them and concerning the arrogant ones who are at war with Muslims, he believes in a just confrontation and fight.



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