Recognizing Cultural Consequences of the Internet of Things

Document Type : Scientific-Research Article


1 PhD student in Culture and Communication, Imam Sadegh University

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Islamic Education, Culture and Communication, Imam Sadegh University


The “Internet of Things” is a technology that can widely transform the culture of society, so its being imported to the country and its further expansion in the near future because of bringing extraordinary economic benefits necessitates the identification of its cultural outcome and impacts.  This research has benefited from interview to collect data and thematic analysis method .Through interviews with the experts, a "pattern of the positive (constructive) cultural impacts of the IoT" and a "pattern of the negative (destructive) cultural impacts of the IoT" have been obtained. According to these two patterns, the massive cultural impacts of the IoT are in these domains: “religious beliefs, values and rites”, “systems of cultural beliefs and values”, “systems of conduct and behavioral styles”, “oral expressions”, “behavioral expressions”, “human communication”, “family institution”, “cultural heritage and cultural diversity, art and media”, “social organizational forms and structures ”, “education system”, “decision-making structures”, “structure and forms of political organization and governance”, “resource utilization systems”, and “systems of knowledge, wisdom, native skills and capacities”. The IoT is changing these domain.


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