A Comparative Study of Intrapersonal Communication in the Views of Dona Vocate and Faiz Kashani (Reviewing the Books, Intrapersonal Communication, Different Voices and Minds, Al-Muhaja Al-Bayda)

Document Type : Scientific-Research Article


1 PhD in Social Welfare, Allameh Tabatabai University

2 Professor of the Faculty of Islamic Studies and Culture and Communication, Imam Sadegh University


 Intrapersonal communication is one of the main levels of communication whereby a person is both the sender and the recipient of the message. In the present study, the purpose of understanding the intrapersonal communication between the views of two scholars in this field, Dona Vocate and Feyz Kashani, is what the intrapersonal communication in Dona Vocate as a Western thinker in the field of communication and Feyz Kashani as an Islamic scholar of personal ethics. What are the similarities and differences in their views have been examined. The present study was carried out in the data collection stage by documentary or library method and in the review، interpretation and analysis phase the comparative method were used. The findings of this study show that in Vocate's theory the principle is not to speak of intentional and conscious introspective communication of self or of the soul itself, but of intra-individual communication to achieve a better personality and to make subsequent decisions or decisions about them. In Feyz Kashani's thought, however, the Intrapersonal communication implies one's ability to defeat one's self to improve one's personality. In the present study it has been concluded that the fundamental difference between "intrapersonal communication" with Vocate and Feyz Kashani is in their type of view. So that the former considers "intrapersonal communication" in the context of the individual-society and the latter in the context of God-individual-society.


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