Characteristics of Islamic Ethics in IRIB News to Increase the Political Trust of the Audience in the Government (Case Study: 21 O’clock News of Channel 1)

Document Type : Scientific-Research Article


1 PhD student in Communication Sciences, University of Tehran

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Communication, Radio and Television University


Political trust is one of the types of trust that deals with the relationship between the government and the people. Increasing political trust will lead to greater interaction between the people and the government and increase political participation. Due to the importance of national media in guiding public opinion, the present study uses qualitative content analysis and a comparative approach to studying how news coverage has paid the most important ethical indicators recommended in Islam to Islamic rulers to increase audience political trust in political news at IRIB. Quantitative data have been used to analyze the samples more accurately and objectively. The statistical population of the study is the TV news sections of 21:00 of the First Channel of IRIB. Each of the news items in this news section is considered as a monitoring unit and an analysis unit. According to the research findings, 25.92% of the total news at 9 pm on the First Channel of the IRIB TV has dealt with the indicators of increasing political trust in the government based on Islamic ethics criteria. Individuals in charge of Islamic government have pointed to the government's political trust in society in order to increase audience trust, and the rest, 61.90 percent, have noted the government's treatment of the people. Otherwise that in news 21 covered the topics "having divine piety", "avoiding the welfare and secularism of government officials", "tolerating and sympathizing with the people" and "placing any person or institution in its place, no attention has been paid.


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