Designing a Model for Explaining Media Literacy in the Secondary Education System of Iran (Research Based on Grounded Theory)

Document Type : Scientific-Research Article


1 PhD student in Philosophy of Education, Arak Branch of Islamic Azad University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Arak Branch of Islamic Azad University

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Arak Branch of Azad University

4 Assistant Professor of Qom Radio and Television Faculty


The promotion of media literacy is due to its scientific and organized research. The main role that media literacy plays in this is the main topic of the present article, which has been done in order to provide a model for explaining media literacy in high school. The research method is document mining and theory based on data (basic theory) and applied research, and qualitative in terms of data type in terms of descriptive implementation. The statistical population of the present study consists of two groups: first, media literacy specialists, educational planners and media literacy teachers who participated in specialized meetings, from which interviews were conducted to determine the elements for designing the desired model, and second, media literacy experts used. Sample size was used for interviewing 12 people for model validation of 35 people. The analysis method consists of three stages of open, axial and selective coding and is organized in the form of basic theory in the form of a network of basic themes. Findings show that the model includes a comprehensive theme and 7 organizing mechanisms. Which is emphasized in education and programming of media literacy book.1-Management mechanisms,2-Education and teaching mechanisms, 3-Structure reform mechanisms,4-Mechanisms of necessary competencies to create change in media literacy, 5-Learning mechanisms, 6- Mechanism for paying attention to the quality of education and 7- Mechanisms of developments and challenges facing media literacy education. Findings indicate that media literacy has two important themes ,which are considered as influential factors in the lives of audiences.


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