Representation of Iranians family’s life style in TV advertising (Case study: food ads)

Document Type : Scientific-Research Article


1 M.A. in Media Management, University of Tehran

2 Assistant professor of Iranian Research Institute for information science and technology(IranDoc)


Television advertising has the power to create images from different concepts to influence public opinion. Purpose of this study is to investigate the Representation of television advertising from Iranian life style. In this study, qualitative approach and discourse analysis method have been used. In this regard, food advertising has been collected and reviewed during a year. At this time, Most Television Advertising Commercials have used methods like Bolding, Implanting & Edge driving (According to their Policies) to reach their Goals. Study identified how the Iranian life style is represented in these ads. Findings show that the Iranian lifestyle, centered on "religion as a way of life," has been overlooked in these ads. On the other hand, “Consumerism Lifestyle” theme is bolded. It’s hard to explain how much advertising effectiveness on People Consume & Purchase has been observed in that Situational texture. But no Change has been made in Content and form of the advertising. "Consumerism, to show importance of unnecessary products, goodness of foreign products, Importance of aristocracy and luxury foods" are the dominant propositions in the lifestyle depicted in these ads. The television ads that reviewed emphasized on these propositions the most. In the end, for each of these propositions, relevant concepts are categorized and presented.


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