Document Type : Scientific-Research Article
1 Undergraduate student in Islamic Education, Culture and Communication, Imam Sadegh University And a researcher at the Roshd Center of Imam Sadegh (as) University
2 PhD Student in Public Administration, Organizational Behavior, Azad University, Science and Research Branch And a researcher at the Roshd Center of Imam Sadegh (as) University
3 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Islamic Education, Culture and Communication, Imam Sadegh University
Literacy is a word whose meaning has changed throughout history in accordance with social needs. As we enter the 21st century, information and communication technologies have become increasingly complex and pervasive, affecting all social systems of human life. Now, with the expansion of cyberspace and real life, cyberspace gradually has become the second life of human beings and the extension of their lives. for this reason, we need another literacy to face it with the best approach, and that is cyber literacy. Although some thinkers in the field of media literacy believe that cyber literacy is the same as media literacy, but these two concepts are not exactly the same and differ in some respects. It is thought that this disagreement arises from the reduction of the definition of cyberspace by some thinkers and their mistake in simply looking at cyberspace as a medium, while cyberspace is only one of the media systems. The present study is a research using the method of thematic analysis in two stages of enumerating the basic concepts and themes of theories and definitions of media literacy and cyberspace literacy with library studies and extracting the system of cyberspace literacy issues and problems based on autonomous definition. Its purpose is to analyze the concept of cyberspace literacy, explain its distinction with media literacy and enumerate the system of its issues.
Main Subjects
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