Mapping the spiritual and cultural futures of human societies in the transmodern paradigm (Case Study: Critical Discourse Analysis of “Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief”)

Document Type : Scientific-Research Article


1 PhD Student in Communication Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Research Sciences Branch

2 Professor and Faculty Member, Department of Media Management, Islamic Azad University, Research Sciences Branch

3 Professor and Faculty Member, Department of Management, Islamic Azad University, Research Sciences Branch


While the knowledge and social mentality of academic societies is more based on the study of modern and postmodern paradigms, in the field of art and media we are faced with another level of cinematic works that indicate the emergence of a paradigm different from the aforementioned paradigms. Be and depicts new propositions for the spiritual and cultural futures of human societies. Using media, art is representative and at the same time influenced by global thinking, which suggests possible meanings and ways of looking at the world. Beyond the positive, interpretive and critical ideas of the modern-postmodern world, a considerable number of cinematic works present a new image of the cumulative presence of premodern spiritual-historical propositions with modern and postmodern cognitive-interpretive components as well as propositions. In order to identify and formulate the supernatural concepts and assumptions of the transmodern paradigm, a descriptive-analytical method has been used. The supernatural discourse represented in the film represents a new trans-modern paradigm. Discourse styles such as myth, savior and future are the most important components of the discourse that governs the film. These components cannot be reinterpreted in current and conventional governing discourses and must therefore be articulated in the new discourse; The discourse that we have mentioned in this research with a transmodern interpretation. The findings of this study indicate the emergence of a new semantic realm for humans under the transmodern paradigm in the third millennium, the most obvious effect of which can be seen in Hollywood cinema.


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