Solutions for empowering parents in their children's media life based on the experts' point of view

Document Type : Scientific-Research Article


Faculty member of the Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, I.R.Iran


Abstract: Background and purpose: raising the level of awareness in media life and in Iranian society, especially for parents in order to make their children aware of the use of media space, is a need and need. Method: This research is applied in terms of purpose and qualitative in terms of collection method and thematic analysis. After the data were collected, recorded, coded and categorized in the form of main themes. Finally, to determine the validity of the findings, 1 of the experts have been interviewed. Findings: specific qualitative data analysis, themes: attention to types of thinking (caring, critical, creative, social-participatory), acquisition of skills (technological skills, self-control skills, parental mediation skills and attention to values). ethics and identity in virtual space), attention to media consumption management (attention to the quality of children's media consumption, on the role of parents as a learner and as a learner, attention to nature, children's media reception society)  as strategies and Strategies for empowering parents in the media life of their children.


Main Subjects

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