Application of Thematic analysis method to understand Quranic topics in Islamic culture (Case study of the network of themes of Surah Anbiya)

Document Type : Scientific-Research Article


1 Assistant Professor in Department of Islamic Theology and Education, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, I.R.Iran

2 Master of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Teacher Training Shahid Rajaei University, Tehran, I.R.Iran


One of the research gaps in the field of Islamic culture and communication is the lack of proper use of appropriate research methods to understand cultural and social issues in the Holy Quran or other religious texts such as the collection of hadiths of an infallible Imam (AS). Obviously, until we can identify appropriate seemingly scattered and irrelevant topics and issues among religious texts and draw a network of themes, we cannot have a deep and accurate understanding of those topics in context. Islamic culture has been achieved and consequently we will not be able to use them to draw appropriate practical models for the Islamic society. One of the suitable methods for accurate and systematic drawing of the main and secondary issues scattered in religious texts is the method of thematic analysis. Therefore, in this study, an attempt has been made to explain the application of this interdisciplinary and text-based research method in order to understand Quranic issues in the context of Islamic culture with a case study of Surah Al-Anbiya. The reason for choosing Surah Al-Anbiya 'is primarily due to the scattered topics and stories of the divine prophets in this Surah and secondly the disagreement of the commentators of the Holy Quran on determining the main purpose of the Surah. The results of the research indicate that out of a total of 112 verses of this surah, 263 "basic themes" or key messages and points can be deduced that the network of themes finally explains the direct relationship between the three categories of monotheism, resurrection and prophecy. And scattered topics such as the biography of infidels and their gods at the Day of Judgment, the biography of the pious on the Day of Judgment, providing details about the miracle of the prophets, especially the miracle of the Prophet and selecting parts of the biography of the divine prophets, in the context of these three specific categories.


Main Subjects

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