Sanctification of the Savior in Computer Games

Document Type : Scientific-Research Article


1 Professor of Art Research Department of Al-Zahra University of Art, Tehran, I.R.Iran

2 Senior expert in art research of Al-Zahra University, Tehran, I.R.Iran


The hope of the emergence of a divine person and salvation at his hands in the apocalypse is one of the most thoughts of the mankind. The promised Savior will appear to spread justice and salvation in the world, which is presented to the people with signs. In modern times, we see the arrival of these saviors in the context of computer games. Apart from the importance of knowing the promised savior, the onslaught of apocalyptic debates, especially in the millennium of computer games, and the lack of codified information on the subject make it necessary. Until the researcher examines the savior among religions and religions with a categorized look, then searches for the role of savior among computer games. Every ordinary person can be a savior, and the prevailing idea of games is in complete conflict with the promised saviors in religions. This article is a fundamental type that examines the idea of the promised savior among religions and sects in a descriptive-analytical method based on library sources and then analyzes the desecration of the savior character among the selected games with the apocalyptic situation. The goal of the creators of the game is the birth of various saviors who follow a pattern contrary to the pattern of religions, and this is in line with the goal of the countries that support them. In the meantime, they desecrate the character of the savior and ultimately create a bass in public opinion.


Main Subjects

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