Sociological Explanation of the Effect of Religiosity On Social Capital: The case study of Bastak city

Document Type : Scientific-Research Article


Social Science Department, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran



With the advent of modernity and the resulting scientific and technological changes, the validity of religion underwent fundamental changes over time. If there is no religion in the society, individual differences will tear the society apart. Religion is one of the factors that form the functions that social capital also has in a way. This study is conducted with the purpose of sociological explanation of the effect of religiosity on social capital between inhabitant in Bastak city. Population of this study were inhabitant 15 years old and above of bastak city which among based on cochran formula, 300 individual Using multi-stage stratified sampling method were selected randomly. Considering the wide range of theories proposed in the field of the subject under investigation, a compilation of Durkheim's, Comte's, Tocqueville's, Weber's and Davis' theories was chosen to explain the subject.

This research was done using the survey method and data was collected througj questionnaire technique which its validity by face method and its reliability was established through cronbachs alpha. After the collection questionnaire, data were analyzed by spss software. Respondents religiosity was measured by using the multi-dimensional model of Glock and Stark and social capital was measured in three dimension: association, trust, consciousness.

According to the findings of the bivariate analysis it can be said that there was a significant relationship between independent variables including religiosity and its dimensions (experiential, sequential, ritualistic) and the dependent variable,that is, social capital.the result of regression analysis indicates that there was a positive and direct relationship between religiosity and social capital.also, there was a direct and significant relationship between social capital dimensions with religiosity.


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 07 February 2024