The challenge of socializing through parents and the media in adhering to prayer

Document Type : Scientific-Research Article


1 Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities, Yasouj University, Yasouj, Iran

2 assistant professor Payame noor university


Challenging the two concepts of socialization through parents and media, both of which have been tested many times as an influential variable, has been the main goal of the researcher to explain a mystical and religious phenomenon (prayer). Dua has been evaluated in four dimensions: ritual, request, conversational and mental. The amount of use of domestic and foreign media as effective factors, along with the amount of parents' prayers and contextual variables, has been tested between the two genders. For this purpose, among the traditional and religious people of Lar city, 360 samples were selected by multi-stage random sampling method. Research data have been described using spss software and research hypotheses have been tested using Amos software. The level of adherence to prayer among the respondents based on the tool used in the article is above the average level. The final and significant variables affecting the adherence to prayer were the amount of parents' prayer, the amount of use of domestic media and age. In total, these variables have been able to explain 65% of the variance of adherence to prayer. The amount of use of domestic media has had a positive effect on adherence to prayer, while this effect has been estimated to be negative for foreign media. In general, the results show the dominance of socialization patterns through the family over the media in explaining adherence to prayer.


Main Subjects

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