A historical study of the educational and Propagating methods of Islam from the Mogul invasion to the rise of the Safavids (656-907 AH): with emphasis on the Shiite religion

Document Type : Scientific-Research Article


1 Professor of Culture and Communications, Department of Cultural Studies and Communications, Baqir al-Olum University, Qom, Iran.

2 آزاد


Religious developments are one of the results and effects of the correct management of those in charge of propagation and education and the proper use of communication methods. The change of the minimal Shia population in Iran to the majority and preparation for the formation of the Safavid government with the official Shia religion are among these fundamental developments. In examining the factors of this evolution, the missionary and educational system and the methods used in this system have a special place. In this regard, with the help of communication science, the method of document research and historical data analysis, the researcher is looking for what and how the methods of Shiism spread from Ilkhanate to Safavid. In the investigation of the causes of this popular transformation, cultural factors have received more attention than others in this research. Among the cultural factors, educational and preaching methods used by Shia elders and scholars as messengers of the preaching system have been more noticed. This system is an integrated set of propaganda elements; Like the sender, the message, the methods of messaging and the receivers of the message, it is said that in interaction with each other, they make possible the propagation of a specific religious belief or statement. According to the findings of this research, the methods used from the second half of the 7th century to before the 10th century are things such as: teaching religious sciences based on the intellectual principles of Shiites, writing books with religious content, organizing lectures and scientific debates, performing religious and ritual ceremonies such as Ashura mourning. , Ghadir festival and waiting ceremony at the popular level, poetry and art tend towards the Shiite religion and the use of Shiite symbols in the architecture of holy places.


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